School Logo

Welcome to

Meridian Angel Primary School

Part of a Church of England Trust

'Hope, Resilience and Friendship'


Our School Uniform



We know that parents like our policy on school uniform and ask that you support us by dressing your child in the correct uniform. This encourages a sense of identity and avoids fashion extremes. You can buy our badged uniform from the school office.


Please ensure that each item of clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name.



Wellingtons, sliders, Crock, shoes with heels and Ugg boots should not be worn during the school day. Pupils should wear sensible black leather shoes for school, or black trainers.  Please choose your child’s shoes carefully. It is also important that your child is wearing shoes they can manage to undo and do up themselves. Please do not buy shoes with laces until your child can confidently tie them. Laces are not suitable in Reception class.

In the summer children may wear sandals, but not flip flops or sliders.


Hair and accessories

For health and safety reasons, children should only wear soft hair accessories. Hard bobbles/hair ties will be removed and handed to the parent at the end of the school day. We discourage children from wearing hair extensions and do not allow children to have coloured hair or coloured hair extensions. We also ask that parents do not have areas of their children’s heads shaved with patterns.


Lost Property

Please be aware that children may lose items of their uniform; they regularly leave items in the playground, hall or at afterschool club. Unnamed clothing  cannot be returned and will be put into the lost property box in the school office. Unclaimed items are disposed of at the end of each term.



The school holds regular second hand uniform stalls (free of charge) at the beginning of each school term. This is usually on a Parents Evening. Please come and have a look. If you have uniform your child has grown out of, we are always grateful to receive second hand uniform, in good condition, for our second hand stall.


The uniform consists of the following:


  • A green polo shirt with the school logo (optional) or a plain white Polo top

  • A green school jumper with the school logo (compulsory)

  • Dark grey or black school trousers, shorts or skirts (compulsory, these items are not sold in school and can be purchased from any retailer)

  • White/ grey or black socks and black school shoes or trainers (without different coloured labels)

  • Green PE shirt with logo (optional or a plain white T-shirt)  black PE shorts and plimsolls (inside) and trainers (outside)

  • The school book bag (compulsory)

  •  PE Bag


All compulsory items of school uniform displaying the logo are only sold via the school office. Only the jumper and book bag are compulsory. All other items of uniform are available from most retailers.


All school uniform can from purchased via Parentpay by clicking on the below link. Once ordered and paid for, the uniform can be collected from the school office. Should you wish to pay via Paypoint, please contact the school office, who will be happy to provide you with a Paypoint letter. The school office is also able to take card payments for uniform.



Current Totals

EYFS - 100%
KS1 - 88.25%
KS2 - 95.8%

Overall School


Contact Us

Meridian Angel Primary School

Albany Road, Edmonton, London N18 2DX

