RE Curriculum Map and Collective worship
As part of a Church of England Trust school, we provide religious education and daily collective worship for all pupils and promote their spiritual, moral, and cultural development in accordance with the Law.
Our pupils show a strong sense of respect for others’ values and faiths as demonstrated in collective worship, lesson observations and work.
In this school Christianity forms the core of what we uphold and teach and believe it to be evident in the ethos of the school. At the same time, however, we acknowledge and value the multi-faith nature of our community and society. The school maintains close links with the parish church of Saint Peter’s .
As a school we believe worship to be an act of adoration or reverence offered to God for his activities in the world which forms an integral part of our identity and the education provided by this school.
Reverend Tina leads our collective worship once a week and leads on services for some of the major Christian festivals, or on special occasions throughout the year. She is able to support the delivery of the RE Curriculum by meeting with staff and visiting RE lessons on a regular basis.
Our RE Curriculum follows the LDBS scheme which focuses on:
AT1 - Learning about Religion(s)
AT2 - Learning from Religion(s)
For more information about the LDBS trust please visit
Find out about our schools vision and values here
Please see below documents that support the delivery of our RE Curriculum-
Pictures from our collective worships

Our weekly school candle