Governor and Trust information
Our school vision is that our Christian community gives each and every child the opportunity to lead their lives with hope and resilience, whilst building lasting friendships
May the God of all Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace as you Trust in Him Romans 15:13
Be strong and courageous, do not be frightened, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go Joshua 1:9
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm Proverbs 13:20
We are Currently looking for parents to join our Governing board. If you would liketo join the team please complete the application form in the below link.
Governors attendance
Governors privacy notice
Governors day July

Governors day January

LDBS Academies Trust
On 1st September 2018 the school became part of the London Diocesan Board of Schools Academies Trust. The vision of The Trust is for excellence and equity for all children in a Christian context.
Vision Statement
Excellence and Equity for All Children in a Christian Context
Our schools aspire to provide ‘excellence and equity in a Christian context’, where every child is valued as a unique individual treasured by a loving God.
‘I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.’ Isaiah 49.v16.
Our aim is that every child will have the opportunity to flourish and develop into a rounded adult who can live life to the full.
‘I have come that they may have life and may have it in all its fullness’. John 10.v10.
Our schools are places where all are welcome and where we practise kindness and hospitality on a daily basis. Our vision and our values are clearly displayed and while it is not a requirement that a child and their family have to be practising Christians we do expect all parts of the community, children, staff, parents and carers to support the values that we hold dear.
Other schools in the Academies Trust are:
LAT 1:
- Meridian Angel Church of England Primary School, Enfield
– Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, Tottenham
– St Ann’s Church of England Primary School, Tottenham
– St Michael’s Church of England Primary School, Wood Green
– St Paul’s and All Hallows Church of England Infants School, Tottenham
– St Paul’s and All Hallows Church of England Junior School, Tottenham
– Millbrook Park Church of England Primary School, Mill Hill East
– St Andrew and St Francis Church of England Primary School, Willesden
– Little Engineers Nursery, Tottenham
LAT 2:
- Stanwell Fields, Surrey
- St Richards, Hounslow
We work closely with all these schools.
For details regarding the members and trustees of the LDBS LATs, along with meeting minutes, registers of business interest, appointment dates and terms of office, please click on the below link and you will be redirected to their website.
Why do schools have Governors?
All state maintained primary schools and Free schools, are accountable to their governing bodies, which in turn are accountable to parents and the community. They are a voluntary body established to oversee the strategic direction and policy making of the school. Governing bodies are required to make decisions which are in the best interests of the children as a whole.
What are the governors responsibilities?
They include:
• providing strategic management
• acting as a critical friend to the school
• ensuring accountability
• promoting high standards of education and achievement
• planning the schools’ long term future
• setting the school’s aims and values
• appointing senior members of staff including the Head Teacher
• setting budgetary allocation, control and monitoring
Why do individuals volunteer to be governors?
The school benefits from your contributions and you could benefit from the experience.
• By volunteering as a governor you can help secure a positive outlook for future generations.
• Volunteers can benefit through developing transferable skills. As a governor you can build on your team working skills; network with a variety of different types of people; gain experience in different fields such as project management, finance, marketing, administration and so much more.
• Training is provided by a separate third party for those that will benefit from it.
Who are the governors?
The main governing body consists of volunteers drawn from the following sources (including vacancies).Head Teacher,Vicar, parent governors (2), staff governors (1) and LAT governors (4)
Current Vacancies
We are always looking to recruit parent governors. Just enquiring does not commit you to the role, so ask all the questions and likewise we will too. If there are no vacancies still please register your interest, so we know who to approach next time.
When and how would I contact the Governors?
The Governing Body welcomes the views of parents on how to improve the school, or to address any areas of concern, so please feel free to contact us if not in person then by email on:
You can also write to us, ensuring any correspondence is marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors in an envelope and left with the School office.
Further independent information can be found at national Governors Association website
The Governing Body
The Governing Body has responsibility alongside the staff of the school,to help and support the general running of the school.
This includes contributing to decisions about:
Finance, Curriculum, Health and Safety, Premises, Welfare and Discipline standards, Staffing and Policies.
The Chair and Governors visit the school on a regular basis.